Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

metasploit in beef

 The first thing to do, run BEEF-ng

 there appear Hok URL and UI URL. copy the UI URL and run in your browser.
fill in user: beef
password: beef

it will look like the picture below:
 then click here, like in the picture
copy the url in the web browser and run victim

think is we give this url to our victim.
and assume the victim is accessing the url.,
looks like this:

 Now back to our browser. This is a good prefix:

Next we headed to ./msfconsole.

okey., now we are trying to exploitation: 

 I then put the address block to the beef

 go to commads -> Browser ->site Redirect(iframe)
on the tab page I try to fill the dojo tittle-is2c.com
the tab redirect the url I put my block on top
and press execute  


while the exploitation beralan. we try to look at victim's browser.


seen that browses the victim walked into the dojo-is2c.com

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